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Our Values

We believe that education is a fundamental human right and a powerful tool for peace and development. We empower the most marginalized communities through education, which we see as the key to overcoming poverty and achieving social justice. We believe that by investing in education, we can create a positive impact on the lives of individuals, families and communities, and contribute to a more prosperous and equitable world. We stand with our partners and allies in Afghanistan, who want a better future. We will keep working to advance education in Afghanistan, as part of our global goals and commitments.

Our Mission

Our Mission

To unlock the potential of young marginalized Afghans through education as a means to prepare them to fully participate in society.


Our Vision

Our vision is a future where every Afghan has the education and opportunity to thrive, contribute to a peaceful and prosperous society, and shape a sustainable future for themselves and generations to come.

Our experience is that there are thousands if not millions of dormant potentials in Afghanistan and we need to find them.

Watch Hassina Sherjan present to the Wilson Centre about the future of women and girls in Afghanistan here.

Education is the Vehicle to Change

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